Computer Network-Transmission Media

In the Networking hardware involves mainly all peripheral devices, interface cards and other components like cables and wires which are used to establish network connection.The cables have certain characteristics like as segment length, bandwidth,attenuation, interference susceptibility, cost and number of segments.There are different types of medium are available for transmitting data over the network such as fiber optic medium, copper medium and wireless medium.In all the the copper medium includes coaxial cables and twisted pair cables.The Twisted pair cable consists of a pair of cables which is twisted around each other.Other two pair cable are STP and UTP.The Word Crosstalk is a important phenomenon in which signals of one wire interfere the signals transmitted over the other wire.
Thin wire or RG-58 cable is approximately 0.64 cm in diameter and is used in constantly changing environments.BNC connector is used to connect devices to the thinnet coaxial cable network.RG-8 cable is approximately 1 cm in diameter and used as a backbone cable.

A fiber optic cable consists of a center glass core that is surrounded by a glass cladding, Kevlar fibers and an outer sheath material.LED's and lasers are used to transmit light signals through the fiber optic cables.

There are two types of fiber optic cables available namely single mode and Multi mode.

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