Computer Network - Network Security and Protocols

There are two types of threats: Internal and External threats.Internal threats are malicious practices done by the local networks users that do not allow efficient sharing of the network resources.External threats are threats in which a hacker at a remote location uses technical methods to gain illegal access to your network.Network security is a mechanism that protects the network resources from being attacked by the outside world.Security attacks can be passive or active.Cryptography is a science that deals with securing information and involves securing of messages, authentication, and digital signatures.Symmetric cryptographic systems use the same keys to encrypt and decrypt the message.Asymmetric cryptographic systems use two keys one for encryption and the other for decryption for securely transmitting the data.
Authentication based on shared secret key uses challenge response protocols.Encryption refers to conversion of plain text into cipher text and the cipher algorithm is used to transform plain text into cipher text.

Public key encryption / decryption use public key to encrypt the message and private key to decrypt the message.Secret key encryption / decryption use the shared secret key to encrypt and decrypt the message.

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